
Kristine Binder


I live my life with the goal of inspiring and empowering others to be the best they can be at whatever endeavor they choose, to see the greatness they possess and use that greatness to the best of their ability. I am a motivational speaker and writer, inspiring and empowering others, especially women, to live their truth. 
I am a strong and vocal advocate for women, mental health support as well as an ally for the LGBTQ community working with Girls on the Run(a positive self esteem/body image program for girls on grade 3-5) , Blessons (a women’s scholarship organization) and Free Mom Hugs (affirming parents and allies who love the LGBTQ+ community). In addition to teaching and volunteer work, I am an Independent Noonday Ambassador. Noonday is a fair trade accessory company that empowers women and our artisan partners worldwide!
I am a single mother to five amazing, almost grown children. I am a rescue mom to my sanity saver, Lucky, the dog and lots of plants! I enjoy yoga, cooking, knitting, reading and, like any good Chicagoan, I am an avid Cubs, Hawks, and Bears fan!