

Kristine Binder AKA #tutulady is constantly moving forward, inspiring and empowering others, leaving a little sparkle along the way!

She is an encouraging, motivational coach and cheerleader, helping you reach your goals and dreams.

You can always find her in her tutu, challenging others to relentlessly pursue their immeasurable potential.  

Look forward/Move forward/Sparkle!

“Women are powerful when we believe in ourselves and each other. We are unstoppable when we channel our energy towards a positive purpose.”
Kristine Binder
The Lemonade Stand

“In a pretty divisive and tense world, The Lemonade Stand is the perfect antidote. It is equal parts smart, optimistic, fun, and funny. I was inspired when I read it and plan to keep it nearby to read it again. Some of the stories are heartbreaking but always with a hero’s ending. Don’t miss this little slice of happiness!”

Lisa Kaplin, Psy. D., PCC, ELI-MP Professional coach, Psychologist, Trainer

You moved me to tears when you spoke for all of us! You’re truly an inspiration!

Suzanne Tarr