
As a mother, there are certain values and passions you hope to instill in your children. For me, one of those values has always been a love of reading. I’ve often said no to candies and toys, but never to books. I can not ever say not to a book! Seeing my kids immerse themselves in the world of literature has been a dream come true, and recently, I’ve had the immense pleasure of rediscovering my own love of reading alongside them.
The other day, I overheard a conversation between two of my daughters. They were enthusiastically discussing a book series they had both started reading. As I listened to them talk about the characters and the plot twists, I couldn’t help but be transported back in time to when they were kids. Back then, they used to argue over who got to read a particular book first, each eagerly waiting for their turn. It was a beautiful chaos of sibling rivalry driven by a shared love for stories. Fighting over a book? A teacher mom’s dream come true!
What warmed my heart even more was when their brother chimed in and expressed his interest in the same book series. It was as if a new chapter had begun in our family’s love affair with books. The joy and camaraderie they found in discussing their latest reading interests was a testament to the enduring power of stories to bring people together.
Fostering a love of reading in my children was always a goal of mine. I wanted them to experience the magic of getting lost in a good book, to feel the excitement of turning each page, and to understand the endless possibilities that books offer. To see them not only embrace reading but also pass it on to each other fills my heart.
Now that my kids are all grown up and continue to share their love of books and reading, my momma heart is full. It’s a reminder that the values we instill in our children can endure and shape their lives well into adulthood. Knowing that they will carry this love for books with them throughout their lives is a source of immense pride and joy for me.
So, to all the parents out there who hope to foster a love of reading in their children, keep at it. Encourage them to explore new worlds through the pages of a book, and share your own passion for reading with them. You never know how far that love for books will take them and how it might bring your family closer together.

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