
I did it! After dedicating over three decades to teaching and repeatedly uttering the word ‘Never’ in relation to pursuing a Master’s Degree, I can proudly say that I’ve accomplished it. Not only did I earn my Master’s, but I also secured an additional ESL endorsement on my teaching license. In the spring, in a full cap and gown, I will receive my diploma…something I have not done since 1988!
When I initially started my teaching journey, a Master’s Degree wasn’t deemed crucial by many. So, I held off. I convinced myself that I didn’t really need it. Financial constraints entered the picture when I got married, making it a practical conversation. Affording it seemed impossible, and even if I did manage, the compensation wouldn’t have made a significant difference, not to mention the lengthy time it would take to recover the expenses. Thus, I pushed the idea out of my mind.
About a year and a half ago, my network presented teachers with the opportunity to join a cohort and attain an ESL endorsement. Intrigued, I took the chance. The experience not only enriched my teaching methods but also brought to light a level of expertise that I had forgotten I possessed, benefiting younger teachers.
Upon completion, I found myself yearning for more. I decided it was time to do something for myself, something solely for me. I enrolled in additional classes, covering the costs myself, to pursue my Master’s Degree. It turned out to be a transformative journey, enhancing not only my teaching skills but also my coaching practice. I gained certifications as a mediator and a certified divorce and family mediator. I delved into the realm of video production, enriching both my business and teaching methods.
This phase of my life feels like a manifestation of my dreams and the achievement of goals I once thought were impossible. So much has changed, and I’m eager to embrace the upcoming year filled with even more greatness!

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